Water_Valves (0)
Water_Fire Hydrants (1)
| Active |
| Out of Service |
| Unknown/Research |
| Abandoned |
Water Lines (2)
| <all other values> |
| 700 |
| 780 |
SanitarySewer_Clean Outs (3)
| <all other values> |
SanitarySewer_Man Holes (4)
| Active |
| Abandoned |
| Unknown/Research |
| Out of Service |
SanitarySewer_Lines (5)
| NULL |
| Sewer Line |
| Force Main |
SanitarySewer_Lift Stations (6)
| Other |
| City of Rockwall |
| North Texas Municipal Water District |
| Private |
StormSewer_ManHoles (7)
| <all other values> |
| Man Hole |
| Junction Box |
StormSewer_Inlets (8)
| Other |
| Curb Inlet |
| Combination Curb |
| Slotted Drain |
| Outflow Stucture |
| Outfall Inlet |
| Grate |
| HDWL B |
| Sloped |
| A HDWL |
| Y Inlet |
StormSewer_Outlets (9)
StormSewer_Lines (10)
| NULL |
| Abandoned/Removed |
| City of Rockwall |
| Private |
| TxDot |
StormSewer_Detention Ponds (11)