Rockwall_Floodplain_Sections (0)
StormSewer_Culverts (2)
StormSewer_ManHoles (3)
StormSewer_Inlets (4)
| <all other values> |
| Combination Curb |
| Slotted Drain |
| Outflow Stucture |
| Outfall Inlet |
| Grate |
| Curb_Grate |
| HDWL B |
| Sloped |
| A HDWL |
| Curb Inlet |
| Y Inlet |
StormSewer_Outlets (5)
| <all other values> |
| Grate |
| <Null> |
| A |
| B |
| Dbl Type B |
| Sloped |
StormSewer_Lines (6)
StormSewer_Flumes (7)
Detention_Ponds (8)
100 YR Floodplain Boundary (9)
City Limits (10)
ETJ (11)
Streams & Creeks (12)
Lakes/Ponds (13)
100 YR Floodplain (14)
Major Watersheds (15)
| Berry Creek |
| Brockway Branch |
| Brushy Creek |
| Buffalo Creek |
| Camp Creek |
| Castle Ridge |
| Chandlers |
| Chandlers Creek |
| Hackberry Creek |
| Klutts Branch |
| Lakeside Village/Turtle Cove |
| Little Buffalo Creek |
| Long Branch |
| Nelson Creek |
| Northshore |
| Parker Creek |
| Promenade Harbor |
| Renfro Creek |
| S Lakeshore |
| Squabble Creek |
| Stream No. 1 |
| Stream No. 2 |
| Stream No. 3 |
| Stream No. 4 |
| Stream No. 5 |
| Tar Branch |
| The Harbor |
| The Shores |
| The Shores North |
| Thompson Branch |